Auto Shift Planner is a free and user-friendly application that can design and automatically generate highly detailed employee shift schedules based on rules and preferences.
The application produces appreciable results as long as the setup and the constraints (rules) allow it. An impossible solution can not be found. The violation of the constraints leads to worse hardscores and softscores.
All values referring to time measurements are always expressed in hours. For example, “8:30 AM” is entered as “8.5”.
By work shift we mean the period of time from when the employee starts working until the moment he or she stops. The employee can perform one or more shifts per day. A shift can never be interrupted by breaks. Should the employee stop working, even if for a short period of time, when the work is resumed, it will be considered part of a new shift.
By period we mean the half-hour time frame that can be assigned to one or more employees. For example, a period is the Monday time interval from eight to eight and a half.
In editor mode you can see the table that is composed of squares that represent units of time lasting half an hour on a given day and at a certain time. Each square belongs to a single employee. An unit of time (the square) can be marked as attributed, forbidden or mandatory. To every employee is assigned an unique color. When for a time unit (square) the presence of the employee is required the square changes color depending on the employee in charge. A prohibited time unit (square) is black. A mandatory time unit (square) contains a white ellipse (a dot). First of all, define the desired units of time (squares) as forbidden or mandatory. Although it is possible to manually assign the time units as a working time to individual employees, this is not necessary as the application does the attribution automatically.
In editor mode you can mark the time units (squares) by clicking with the mouse, clicking and dragging the mouse button or positioning the pointer and then using the mouse wheel.
The application is able to save the proposed solution with all the related settings in a special xml file. If you need to export in a different format (pdf, spreadsheet), please leave a comment.
Benchmark: this feature is provided only for developers.
Tip: to assign a free day for a particular employee, just mark all units of time (squares) of that day for that particular employee as forbidden. In the same way, to start the work activity later on a particular day, you can mark the entire period as forbidden. To request the presence of a specific employee during opening or closing, simply mark the corresponding unit of time (square) as mandatory.
Define the start and end times. These values do not necessarily have to coincide with the opening or closing time. They indicate the time when employee attendance may be required.
Add or remove employees and input their weekly hours to perform. Each employee is characterized by a name and the amount of weekly hours he or she has to work.
Proceed to the editor page and mark only the time units (squares) desired as prohibited or mandatory. The application will automatically generate the best possible solution compatible with the preset constraints.